The essential oils of Indonesia
Indonesia is blessed with fertile soil and congenial climate. Indonesia is one of the main producer of essential oils. Essential oils are derived from plants,...
Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Politik Kritis Aparatur Sipir Negara ‘Zaman Now
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="960"] Foto:[/caption] Perhelatan pilkada serentak 2018 tinggal menghitung hari. Atmosfer politik makin memanas seiring makin kerasnya gesekan kepentingan antarkandidat. Percaturan kepentingan...
After Ottoman Empire
I am going to shed light on what happened after dissolving Ottoman empire. Before starting, we need to know as to Ottoman empire. Ottoman empire...
UU Pemilu Kebiri Hak Pilih
Kualitas penyelenggaraan Pemilu sedang dirundung masalah serius. Masih ada tiga Provinsi yang belum menetapkan daftar pemilih tetap untuk Pilkada 2018. Masalah daftar pemilih mendesak untuk...
Kashmir Bleeds
Today, I want to be succinct and clear in my article. Being a Kashmiri muslim, I can't turn a blind eye to what is happening...
Poverty refers to the poor state of being when people are deprived from sufficient food, shelter and other basic necessities of life. According to the...
Ranking Unsyiah Jadi Momen Evaluasi
UNSYIAH (Univeritas Syiah Kuala) baru-baru ini masuk dalam salah satu dari lima perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia ( 24/01/2018). Ranking menjadi acuan sekaligus evaluasi...
Who is Iskandar Muda
Iskandaa Muda was born in 1583 and died on 27 December 1636. He is considered one of the most important figures in Aceh. He is...
How Saudi Arabia has Betrayed Islamic World
After Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia all of sudden Saudi Arabia and their allies have severed relations with Qatar. There are more reasons behind it,...
The History Behind Bairurrahman
Aceh is a special region of Indonesia. It is autonomous and Muslim majority state. It is the only one state in Indonesia where people live...